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What You Should Be Getting Out of Your Website Audit

Website SEO is not something to be messed around with.

A business that wants to stay in business can’t afford to treat SEO content as something that an amateur can do.

Nor a robot.

Bad Ux Seo LeadAnd yet, every year business owners attempt to get one of their own staff to perform it, if not do it themselves.

As exciting as it can be to have your own foot on the ball, the results can be disastrous.

Not something you want to gamble on.

Others may engage the services of a robotic SEO assessment, which may be cheaper, but with the typically suboptimal performance as a result of an absence of expert human minds on the project, they get far less than they pay for.

To evaluate whether you are getting your money’s worth, it is important not just to look as your own business in isolation, but how it compares to your competitors. Competitor research is an important component of valuable SEO auditing, in metrics like:

  • competitor keywords
  • estimated monthly search traffic
  • inbound links
  • domain authority
  • search traffic value

Seo Content Ss 1920For example, inbound links can come from anywhere, but you really need trusted third-party websites to be of any value.

Keywords might drive rankings and traffic, but an in-depth SEO audit will tell you which content is driving effective engagement, and which isn’t.

With the wealth of information available to you after an audit, it is now up to you to improve your site’s performance.

So here is what you can do with that information that will drive a growth in engagement and sales for your business.

  1. Obviously, if something is broken, fix it until it works. Perhaps some links that are broken or irrelevant and can be adjusted or removed.
  2. Change any meta descriptions that are missing or duplicated. Those 320 character descriptions of your website and business are SEO gold.
  3. Work on the content. Pay attention not only to the words that will perform, but what state of mind each piece will catch people in. Do you want to gain attention from people ready-to-buy? To engage? Or those inquiring after further information?
  4. Images are opportunities. They have to function, not be oversized so as to overload your prospect’s download speed, and they some with alt-tags. These alt-tags are valuable SEO tools and count strongly towards your Google ranking, so get those key words on your images.

Grid Concepts’ human-operated SEO audit will highlight for you exactly the areas that need fixing, and the golden opportunities that you are not yet taking advantage of.

So contact Grid Concepts today and find out how you can make your website work optimally to grow your business.